Understanding EVs

Understanding EVs
I led the research and design for an informational page highlighting electric vehicle benefits on dealership websites.

We began with a comprehensive survey of existing electric vehicle market research. This revealed a wealth of information on car specs, but a lack of information in regards to practical advice on the day-to-day experience of owning an EV in your specific community. So we ran a follow-up study and found that dealerships who were better prepared with EV knowledge sold up to 80% more than their competition. This resulted in a themeable and customizable page focused on the benefits automotive manufacturers specifically wanted to highlight.

Additional findings from our studies were compelling enough to modify our recommendations for top-level navigation (a rare move) and add new facets to our listing pages (i.e. range, plug type) providing easier pathways to purchase from this page.

High level overview of electric vehicle types
Highlighting electrical vehicle benefits
Practical information for EV intenders

Screen grabs from research summaries